Contacto: 93 412 02 86 – 62 609 67 58 | Horario: De martes a sábado de 13:00h a 17:00h i de 20:00h a 00:00h – Domingo de 13:00h a 17:00h

Contacte: 93 412 02 86 – 62 609 67 58 | Horari: De dimarts a dissabte de 13:00h a 17:00h i de 20:00h a 00:00h – Diumenge de 13:00h a 17:00h

Contact: 93 412 02 86 – 62 609 67 58 | Timetable: Tuesday to Saturday from 13:00h to 17:00h and from 20:00h to 00:00h – Sunday from 13:00h to 17:00h


If you have not been able to book online, please do not hesitate to call us.

Step 1: Select guests, date and time

Important notice

Your booking request will not be confirmed until you receive an email notification.

Thank you for your understanding.