Contacto: 93 412 02 86 – 62 609 67 58 | Horario: De martes a sábado de 13:00h a 17:00h i de 20:00h a 00:00h – Domingo de 13:00h a 17:00h

Contacte: 93 412 02 86 – 62 609 67 58 | Horari: De dimarts a dissabte de 13:00h a 17:00h i de 20:00h a 00:00h – Diumenge de 13:00h a 17:00h

Contact: 93 412 02 86 – 62 609 67 58 | Timetable: Tuesday to Saturday from 13:00h to 17:00h and from 20:00h to 00:00h – Sunday from 13:00h to 17:00h

Grill restaurant in barcelona

Traditional cuisine for over 35 years


Check our menu. You will find a wide variety of dishes, grilled meats, fish, stews and artisanal pizzas.
We have a menu according to the market, daily at noon,
from Mondays to Sundays.


Grilled meat, fish and vegetables



Local fresh fish

Homemade desserts

"Cap i pota"


Grilled meat, fish and vegetables



Local fresh fish

Homemade desserts

"Cap i pota"


Because we love homemade dishes

Because we prefer local products

Because we believe that eating well gives happiness


Porque amamos los platos caseros

Porque preferimos los productos de proximidad

Porque creemos que comer bien da felicidad

Local wine list

The ideal accompaniment to any dish is a good local wine. At L’Antic Forn we offer you a wide range of wines from different DOs in Catalonia so that you can choose the best pairing for your dish.

Local wine list

The ideal accompaniment to any dish is a good local wine. At L’Antic Forn we offer you a wide range of wines from different DOs in Catalonia so that you can choose the best pairing for your dish.